Kris Noakes
Kris is a citizen of the Anishinabek Nation and a member of Nipissing First Nation and a community advocate at the Municipal, Provincial, Federal levels. Her diverse experience includes leading an Indigenous NGO, and building Indigenous services in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Kris lives with a genetic form of the terminal disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). She shares her experiences and perspectives, and the journey of generations of her family that have lived and are living with ALS. She continues to advocate for equitable access to drugs and treatments, Open Science, investments in ALS research, and community supports. Along with advocacy, she has helped to increase the awareness and understanding of ALS within our Canadian Health Care systems, Governments, and internationally at the United Nations General Assembly.
Kris currently serves as a member of ALS Canada’s Board of Directors and Chair of the Revolution Ride. She also volunteers on various other Boards of Directors including; the Dundas Chair of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, Theatre Aquarius, and the Hamilton Community Legal Clinic. Kris has recently finished her second term appointment as a member of the Federal Judicial Advisory Committee for the GTA.